The Informed Patient, podacast on health, science and medicine


研究er probes complex interactions of disease and organ

研究er probes complex interactions of disease and organ


研究er Akshay Patel, an MD/PhD student at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 discusses how lupus affects the liver, and what aspects of that interaction he hopes to explore next.

Attention to patients' needs helps fine-tune approach

Attention to patients' needs helps fine-tune approach


Interview with nurse Quonitra Bullock and administrator Carrie Dickinson, PhD

Vaccination can safely prevent a sometimes deadly disease

Vaccination can safely prevent a sometimes deadly disease


Interview with Jana Shaw, MD, pediatric infectious disease specialist

Well-being of medical workers comes into focus

Well-being of medical workers comes into focus


推荐最近最火的赌博软件 social worker Lauren Angelone talks about the importance of staff wellness and what that means for all involved and how it can be achieved.

Specialist credits teamwork in treatment of inflammatory bowel disease

Specialist credits teamwork in treatment of inflammatory bowel disease


Interview with pediatric gastroenterologist Prateek Wali, MD

  遗传学, family history analyzed before prophylactic mastectomies

遗传学, family history analyzed before prophylactic mastectomies


丽莎赖, MD talks about prophylactic mastectomies and what's involved in this surgery, including considerations about reconstruction.