Timothy Carpenter was airlifted from the North Country to 推荐最近最火的赌博软件, where specialists removed a blood clot from his brain. (Susan Kahn摄)
Timothy Carpenter was airlifted from the North Country to 推荐最近最火的赌博软件, where specialists removed a blood clot from his brain. (Susan Kahn摄)


Recognizing, responding quickly helped save a man’s life



那是八月. 8, 和 Timothy Carpenter had just returned home from taking his wife, 米歇尔的天使, to Watertown for her birthday lunch.

他要复印几份. He was running a page through the copy machine when he started feeling dizzy. 他咕哝着什么.

“你说什么??” his wife called from across the room.

She turned just in time to see him collapse. 她拨打了911.

Prompt recognition, followed by a swift medical response, helped save Carpenter’s life.

Carpenter recalls that his right side was not working. He’d knocked over the chair when he fell. Now he struggled to get up, 和 he struggled to speak.

Timothy Beutler博士Timothy Beutler博士

Soon, two old friends from the Fishers L和ing Fire Department were at Carpenter’s side. “Mark Baltz was sitting there saying, ‘Will you lay still?’ His nephew, Andy Baltz, walked in, took one look at me, 和 walked back out to call the helicopter.”

Thous和 Isl和s Emergency Rescue Services arrived to transport Carpenter from his trailer home to the nearby Can-Am Speedway in LaFargeville, where the LifeNet helicopter could l和 safely.

“It didn’t seem like it took hardly any time at all,卡朋特说 of the flight to 上州立大学医院 in Syracuse. He spent the entire trip trying to communicate that his wallet was in his back pocket. He remembers glancing out the window to see Interstate 81 和 the Great Lakes Cheese plant in Adams from above. 他记得着陆时, hearing the blades of the chopper wind down 和 his being wheeled into the hospital.

“I remember them taking my shirt off at the hospital. 我记得他们说, ‘We’re going to give you something that’s going to make you feel better,’我就出去了.”

Carpenter’s stroke happened on his wife’s birthday. Fourteen years earlier, he survived a heart attack on her birthday.

“I’m kind of an old bird,” says Carpenter, 58. He worked in a lumber yard when he had his heart attack. At first, he shrugged off the pain as a pulled muscle 和 continued working. That night he went go-kart racing. The next day, he couldn’t raise his arm above his head, but he worked his entire shift. He returned the next day to load trucks for delivery. Finally, feeling awful, he said he had to go home.

Amar Swarnkar, MDAmar Swarnkar, MD

His wife had an ambulance-crew friend stop by to assess him. The man took Carpenter’s blood pressure 和 turned white. He told Carpenter he was going to the hospital, 和 he was going immediately. “什么吓到我了?”,卡朋特说, 年后, “is that he flat refused to tell me what my blood pressure was.”

Since then, Carpenter has taken an aspirin every day. He said it’s unclear whether his stroke is related to his heart attack.

他八月醒了。. 在…的照顾下 Timothy Beutler博士, a neurosurgeon who specializes in critical care at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件. A blood clot had totally blocked one of the vessels in his brain.

卡朋特不在的时候, members of the stroke team gave him a powerful thrombolytic to help dissolve clots, 和 Amar Swarnkar, MD, 放射学教授, 神经病学和神经外科, used tools to locate 和 retrieve the clot in a procedure called a thrombectomy.

“Everything in stroke care is time-sensitive,” Beutler explains. “Mr. Carpenter had quite a good outcome. That’s because of a quick recognition of his stroke symptoms, 和 his quick arrival to 推荐最近最火的赌博软件. He was able to get the thrombolytics 和 to get into the angio suite for the thrombectomy.“血管, 或血管造影术, suite is where such procedures, 涉及血管, 可以执行.

Beutler says based on the location 和 size of the clot, if Carpenter had not arrived so quickly, he likely would have suffered a stroke that caused potentially life-threatening swelling. He would have been hospitalized for weeks. He may have required emergency surgery. He likely would have been left with severe deficits 和 been discharged to a nursing home rather than to his home.

因为他得到了及时的治疗, 卡朋特醒来时, he had full movement on his right side, 他会说话. He felt weak on the right side, but he says even that improved by the next day. When he went home from the hospital, his only remaining symptom was a mild facial droop that is barely noticeable.

This article appears in the spring 2023 issue of 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Health magazine.