
Writing Resource Center

The 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University Writing Resource Center welcomes writers across campus interested in receiving help with any stage of the writing process including brainstorming, 研究, 起草, 和修改. While the Writing Resource Center is not an editing service, our goal is to provide writing assistance that allows students and scholars to engage with their work in a thoughtful, 协作, 反射方式. We hope to create a resourceful space and help a community of writers that participate in various writing practices ultimately improve writing skills.

Due to COVID19 precautions, the Writing Resource Center does not currently offer in-person consulting. However, virtual meetings and feedback through email exchange are available. Please feel free to contact an Instructor using the information below.

方向 for Setting Up an Appointment:

  1. To receive feedback via email: contact 一个教练 by email and include the following documents:
    • your most recent draft
    • information about the requirements of the assignment
    • 作业截止日期
  2. To make a virtual appointment through Webex: contact 一个教练 by email and include the following information:
    • your most recent draft
    • information about the requirements of the assignment
    • virtual availability information


Submission Requirements

Assignments must be submitted in advance of 作业截止日期

  • 5 pages or less (double-spaced), 3 days prior to 作业截止日期
  • 6 – 10 pages (double-spaced), 5 days prior to 作业截止日期
  • 11 – 20 pages (double-spaced), 7 days prior to 作业截止日期
  • over 20 pages (double-spaced), 10 days prior to 作业截止日期






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