



推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Golisano After Hours Care provides treatment for your child's minor injuries and illnesses when your primary doctor is unavailable or unable to accommodate your needs. 无需预约. Our friendly and experienced staff understand children and strive to make your child's visit as stress-free as possible. Our goal is to provide excellent care for children in a convenient and family-friendly atmosphere.


No appointment is needed- just come in during our hours. 上门服务是我们的专长.


我们开放 一年中的每一天 and we're open during the hours that your child's primary care physician 可能不是:

工作日: 下午4时至晚上10时
周末: 中午至晚上8时.

请查阅我们的 网站 假日时间.

Why take my child to 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Golisano After Hours Care instead of an ordinary Urgent Care center?

  • Most Urgent Care clinics are designed with adults in mind. 我们相信儿童应该得到特殊照顾. The types of illnesses that children develop and the treatment that they require is unique. Our staff is specially trained in caring for pediatric patients and understand your child's needs.
  • Your child will be treated by experienced Pediatric and Emergency Medicine physicians who specialize in the care of sick and injured children. We maintain the high standard of excellent pediatric care provided at 戈里萨诺儿童医院 and at the Pediatric 急诊科 at 上州立大学医院.
  • 我们在医院里. If it appears that your child's condition is more serious than initially thought, 你已经在急诊室隔壁了. 如果你的孩子需要住院, we can get him/her to 上州戈里萨诺儿童医院 quickly.

When should our child go to the emergency room instead of After Hours Care?

Call 911 if your child is having a life threatening emergency. Go to the Pediatric 急诊科 at 上州立大学医院 if you are advised to go there by your child's doctor, 中毒控制, or if you believe your child requires emergency care.
Your child should not come to 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Golisano After Hours if your child has any of the following conditions:

  • 3个月以下有发烧的婴儿
  • 不受控制的出血
  • 严重呼吸困难
  • Injured in a car accident or other significant trauma
  • 无法停止的癫痫
  • 没有反应或没有呼吸
  • 精神错乱或谵妄
  • 需要亚专科护理

How is After Hours Care different from an Emergency Room?

If your child is having a life-threatening emergency, call 911 immediately.

After Hours Care is typically faster and less expensive than a visit to the 急诊科. Sometimes parents just want their child's sore throat checked out or are concerned about a high fever. 在急诊室, these sorts of concerns have to wait while doctors are treating major injuries and illnesses. At After Hours care, you won't be waiting long to get the specialized care your child needs. 因为这种关注, we can meet your needs more quickly in an environment that is more pleasant for both kids and parents.

What if my child ends up needing Emergency Care or needs to be admitted to a hospital?

The 急诊科 is just across the hall from our center if a child is in need of immediate, 挽救生命的治疗. If your child needs to be transported to 上州戈里萨诺儿童医院 or to the Pediatric 急诊科 at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件, we have the equipment and expertise to stabilize a child until an ambulance arrives.

How is After Hours Care different from our Pediatrician or Family Physician? 你们会定期检查和看望孩子吗? 接种疫苗?

We feel very strongly that well-child services should be performed by a child's primary care physician. If your child doesn't have a primary care physician, please call 连接推荐最近最火的赌博软件 打800-464-8668,我们会帮你找一个.


We believe strongly that your child's primary doctor should be contacted 第一个 回答所有常规的医疗问题. A note will be sent to your child's primary doctor so he/she will be well informed about the care received. This allows us to work together closely as team, ensuring the best possible care for your child.


Please note: If your child is having a life-threatening emergency, dial 911. After Hours is for children with minor illnesses and injuries.

Conditions treated at After Hours include, but are not limited to:

  • 喉咙痛
  • 耳部感染
  • 感冒
  • 呕吐或腹泻
  • 脱水
  • 咳嗽
  • Fevers (including high fevers) in children older than 3 months
  • 流感症状
  • 哮喘发作
  • 臀部
  • 轻度呼吸困难
  • 扭伤和拉伤
  • 简单的骨折
  • 昆虫和动物咬伤
  • 眼部轻伤
  • 皮疹
  • 轻微烧伤
  • 轻微的撕裂伤,需要缝合或粘合
  • 皮肤感染

We have radiology and laboratory services on-site for any tests that might be required. 如果需要,我们也可以提供静脉输液.


我们欢迎出生至21岁的儿童. Adult patients requiring immediate attention can be evaluated in the 上州社区医院 急诊科 next door.


We are happy to help young adults with any medical care they require.

What if I need to get a prescription and it is too late to go to the pharmacy?

We can provide your child with the 第一个 24 hours of any medicine that they need so you can focus on your child...不是跑去药房.


We will care for your child regardless of your insurance. We work with most insurance carriers and you can contact us directly to inquire about coverage, 自付额, 或者其他收费.


For your convenience, we accept Visa, MasterCard, and personal checks. 我们不接受现金付款. At the time of your visit, payment for any services not covered by your insurance will be collected. 我们很乐意回答您的任何问题.