
Critical Care Transport (EFFECT) Program

The Critical Care Transport (EFFECT) Program is a comprehensive critical care review course and IBSC Certification.


Registration link: http://www.eventsquid.com/event/22489


The Education for Facilitating Emergency Critical Care Transport (EFFECT) Course is designed to build upon the paramedic's foundational knowledge to refine and develop the necessary skills and critical thinking required to manage high-risk critical care interfacility transports.  Students will be immersed in a dynamic learning environment designed to prepare the graduate to achieve their Critical Care Paramedic (CCP-C) or Flight Paramedic Certification (FP-C) from the International Board of Specialty Certification (IBSC).

Students will develop advanced assessment techniques, including foundational knowledge for diagnostic and hemodynamic monitoring and critical care pharmacology to manage the critically ill or injured patient.  Advanced education on Anatomy and Physiology will include a focus on cellular metabolism, 灌注, 和稳态, including acid/base balance, and pathophysiology of disease. Candidates will explore resuscitation strategies for the peri-arrest and post-arrest patients.  Core curriculum includes devoted blocks for special patient populations to include high-risk obstetrics, infants and neonate, 和儿科.

This program consists of 20 weeks of live, virtual lectures along with assigned work using the Ascend Learning Management System.  A companion simulation course is currently under development for launch in 2024.



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