
Physician Assistant Post-Graduate Program in 急诊医学

布莱恩T. 克劳斯


布莱恩T. 克劳斯, DO, JD, PA-C

联系人: Denise Dexter, Program Coordinator
电话: (315) 464-6223
电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)



急诊医学是医师助理最具挑战性和最有回报的职业之一. 新兴市场是一个非常理想的职业选择,但不幸的是,进入该领域非常困难. 大多数雇主都要求以前有ED工作经验,一个人直到找到第一份工作才会获得工作经验. 该计划的目的是培训合格的医师助理候选人,使其能够胜任提供紧急医疗服务.


  • 18 months fulltime paid program
  • 5 hours of weekly didactic lectures
  • acl & 朋友的课程
  • ATLS, AHLS和acl & 朋友老师 Courses Optional
  • High Fidelity 模拟 Lab and Training
  • 研究 and Publication Opportunities
  • Opportunities to Lecture at local PA Programs
  • 床边超声培训
  • Eligibility to sit for AAPA Specialty Exam
  • Start Date: December - January


研究生助理将与纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医疗中心及其附属医院的急诊医学住院医师一起接受培训. 除了我们的小护理治疗区,他们还将接触到成人和儿童急诊室. Rotations in critical care  medicine, 毒理学, 整形外科, and ophthalmology will also be provided. 重点将放在准备他们参加NCCPA急诊医学专业考试.


  • Degree from Accredited PA Program
  • 获得NCCPA认证
  • 纽约州执照
  • Three Letters of Recommendation
  • 简历(CV)
  • 个人陈述
  • PA学校成绩单


Please submit CV, personal statement and letters of recommendation to: (电子邮件保护) 或邮寄至:

SUNY 上州医科大学
Department of 急诊医学
Attn: Denise Dexter, Program Coordinator



What's the Program's History?

The program was founded in 2012 by Dr. 布莱恩·克劳斯, DO, JD, PA-C基于他的认识需要一个结构化的教育计划,想要实践急诊医学医师助理. Dr. 克劳斯认识到急诊医学的范围非常广泛,真正成为一名称职的医生助理, 额外的教育, 在委员会认证急诊医师的直接监督下的指导和指导是必不可少的. Our program is tailored to allow new graduates to break into the profession.




The program is 18 months in duration. We chose this length for two reasons. 第一个, it is half the length of a traditional EM Residency, 并且有足够的时间获得足够的临床和程序经验来参加NCCPA CAQ考试. 我们承担急诊医学CAQ考试的费用,并利用这一手段从外部验证您的急诊知识. 这个项目是全日制的, averaging 50-55 hours per week, and provides exposure across adult and pediatric EM, 以及在其他服务方面的一些经验和轮换,这些在我们的业务范围中有直接的作用.


我们意识到,大多数候选人都是刚成年的年轻人,在工作之余也有自己的生活. 我们会考虑你安排时间参加课外活动和假期的需要.

What About Salary and Benefits?

We typically set your salary at the same salary as the PGY-4 residents in our group. This amount typically increases annually to reflect inflation. 我们意识到,这种工资往往比一些新毕业生在其他就业模式下的工资要低, so we counter this by being more attentive to your scheduling needs. This program strikes a balance between service and education.


作为一个教育项目,我们希望你在18个月的时间里发展你的技能,在个人和专业上成长. 我们听说过新毕业生接受第一份薪水更高的工作的“恐怖故事”, 但却没有意识到他们对表现的期望超出了他们作为应届毕业生的能力. 我们发现我们的工资和福利待遇超过了许多类似的研究生项目,考虑到你在我们部门所扮演的角色,这是一个公平的补偿.

When Are Applications, Interviews and Start Date?

Applications are to be submitted on a rolling basis, we ask for 3 letters of recommendation, ideally from 急诊医学 rotations, 个人陈述, 以及学业成绩单. 面试通常在10月举行,面试后一周内通知候选人被录用. The anticipated start date is in the first week of January. Depending on credentialling, candidates may be able to be start as early as December.


Candidates will need to hold a valid 纽约州执照 and be certified by the AAPA. Once the position is offered to the candidate, they must meet certain background checks and be eligible to accept employment.

What is the Credentialing Process?

Prior to employment at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件, or any institution for that matter, practitioners must get credentialled to practice. 在这个过程中,招聘机构会证明你的各种成绩单、执照和文凭. 在大多数院校,认证委员会每月或每两个月召开一次会议,如果申请没有在预定的会议日期前完成, it gets pushed back to the next scheduled meeting. 申请人有责任向资格审查委员会提交所有必要的文件. We will walk you through the process, but you must ensure that copies of your transcripts, 纽约州执照, NCCPA认证和任何其他必要的文件提交给适当的管理员. Delay in credentialling will delay your employment. As credentialling can take up to two months, 我们不能接受12月毕业的申请1月入学的学生.

Can I Apply as a December Graduate?

不幸的是, 12月份的毕业日期会让你在资格认证过程中明显落后. You still need to sit for the NCCPA Exam, 然后拿到纽约州驾照, 然后去找工作, 获得工作, 然后受到信任.

What Are the Elective Rotations?

We provide rotations in: Adult and Pediatric ER, 社区呃, 内科重症监护室(4周), 外科ICU(4周), 烧伤服务(两星期), Orthopedic Consult Service (2 weeks), 眼科(2周), 毒理学(4周), Anesthesiology – for intubation experiences (2 weeks), and Hyperbaric/Wound Care (2 weeks).

How Many Shifts Do I Work in an Average Month?

In most ED’s the schedule is based on 13, 4-week blocks, a year. You will work an average of 16 shifts every 4 weeks.


轮班通常是8小时,你会接触到各种各样的疾病和经历, 晚上, 还有夜班. 提前15分钟到达总是明智的,大多数人在每次轮班后呆一个小时左右,以完成文件和哄病人入睡.

What Additional Courses and Training Do We Get?

In the beginning of the program, 你可以参加“EM新兵训练营”和“高级EM新兵训练营”系列讲座. 这些与大多数EM实习生培训中提供的培训讲座非常相似. 这些组合的系列讲座将为您提供参加CAQ考试所需的近50小时的EM特定CME课程. 在你的培训期间, 您还将获得传统的“荣誉徽章”课程,包括:高级心脏生命支持(acl), Pediatric Advanced 生命支持 (PALS), acl /朋友老师, Advanced Trauma 生命支持 (ATLS) and Advanced Burn 生命支持 (ABLS). 您还可以参加周三居民会议和当地推荐最近最火的赌博软件EM CME会议,包括EM毒理学和当代问题.


We fund and support you attending one National CME conference of your choosing. 在过去, 参加急诊医学医师助理会议的人, ACEP年会, High-Risk 急诊医学 会议, the Annual AAPA Conference or a Wilderness Medicine Conference. The department covers airfare, conference fees and three to four nights in a hotel.