
耐心的服务 & 导航

联系人: Maureen Garvey, BSN, RNC
病人 Navigator, 乳癌计划
工作电话: 315-498-5600
办公室电话: 315-464-5266

The 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 乳癌计划 offers a navigator to all its patients. Our registered nurse (RN) navigator’s main goal is to coordinate your care so that, from diagnosis to recovery, your treatment is comprehensive and efficient. Our navigator will also connect you to resources and services important to your recovery.

Your trained navigator will work with you directly to explain treatment paths and guide you toward your treatment goals, identify barriers to meeting your goals and follow up regularly to track your treatment and recovery process. The navigator is your personal expert, liaison, and advocate between you and the services provided.