An older woman with a younger woman enjoying a relaxing stroll outside
To make an appointment to talk to a staff member about the 金融咨询 Program, 请致电:



The f财务 aspects of dealing with a cancer diagnosis can be complex and overwhelming. 在北州癌症中心, a f财务 counselor is available to help minimize the confusion and stress that can be caused by f财务 concerns.

A f财务 counselor can assist patients and families with a better understanding of insurance coverage and finding additional resources to help pay for care.

Here are some of the specific ways a f财务 counselor can help:

  • Explain your health insurance benefits.
  • Answer billing and insurance questions.
  • Assist with enrollment into programs with the New York State Health Exchange.
  • Explain how you may be able to get secondary insurance coverage.
  • Locate possible co-pay relief programs and patient assistance funding.
  • Help you apply for our hospital f财务 assistance program.
  • Investigate additional foundation funding programs for which you qualify.
  • Estimate your out-of-pocket medical expenses.

金融服务 & 推荐最近最火的赌博软件的便利设施

金融 burdens related to cancer treatments can become complex and overwhelming. 了解我们的f。财务 辅导员可以帮助你.

Before meeting with Linda, I wasn't aware of MediGap. I am appreciative of the service and information Linda & the 北州癌症中心 provided to me. I've not seen this type of support from a provider, and it's a comfort to know that you are available to me.

- Bob, former 癌症中心 病人


Our f财务 counselor, 琳达那不勒斯, is available Monday–Friday, from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 帮你买保险, understand your plan and help identify resources to pay for your cancer care.


Manufacturer/Pharmaceutical Copay Assistance 项目

Manufacturer/pharmaceutical copay assistance programs for commercial insurance holders and copay assistance for chemotherapy or immunotherapy drugs: